Stories on fashion and luxury you won't read elsewhere

Les anciens piliers de Chanel sont sur le départ, y compris le directeur financier

By Astrid Wendlandt
21 January 2024
Leena Nair, la nouvelle directrice générale de Chanel, mène une révolution chez Chanel. Le vieil adage « on ne quitte pas Chanel, on meurt chez Chanel » ne correspond plus à la réalité. La dirigeante d’origine indienne, qui n’avait aucune expérience dans le luxe avant de rejoindre la puissante maison il y a deux ans, a provoqué un tsunami en poussant vers la sortie plus d’une douzaine de cadres aux commandes depuis des décennies, selon des sources du secteur proches de la maison française. D’autres vont suivre, ont déclaré des sources du secteur et des personnes proches de Chanel. Même le directeur financier, Philippe Blondiaux, a informé la maison qu’il souhaitait partir en 2026. Chanel s’est refusée à tout commentaire sur ce point et n'a pas voulu le démentir officiellement.

Miss Tweed's Boutique

A Year In the News 2023-2024

A Year in the News 2023-2024 is a compilation of Miss Tweed's stories published during its fourth year. Like the third yearbook, it is a limited edition. Hence, it is a collector's item. It's designed to celebrate the work of illustrator Claire Laude. Each illustration runs next to the first two paragraphs of the story. It does not contain the entire story.

25 €

A Year In the News 2022-2023

A Year in the News 2022-2023 is a compilation of Miss Tweed's stories published during its third year. Like the second yearbook, it is a limited edition. Hence, it is a collector's item. It's designed to celebrate the work of illustrator Claire Laude. Each illustration runs next to the first two paragraphs of the story. It does not contain the entire story.

25 €

A Year In the News 2021-2022

A Year in the News 2021-2022 is a compilation of Miss Tweed's stories published online during its second year. Like the first yearbook, it is a limited edition. Hence, it is a collector's item. It is designed to celebrate the work of illustrator Claire Laude. Each illustration runs next to the first two paragraph of the story. It does not contain the entire story.

25 €

A Year In the News 2020-2021

This book is a compilation of Miss Tweed’s stories during its first year. The digital revolution, the closely guarded secrets of LVMH, Richemont and Kering and the future of watchmaking are among the many topics Miss Tweed covered between the summer of 2020 and the summer of 2021. It does not contain the entire story.

25 €

How Luxury Conquered the World

Author and journalist Astrid Wendlandt conducted a four-year investigation into the secretive world of fashion and luxury involving hundreds of interviews with top executives and designers.

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Le Luxe à la conquête du monde

Comment l’industrie du luxe et de la mode, quasi-inexistante il y a quarante ans, est devenue une puissance mondiale ? Dans cette anthropologie du glamour, la journaliste Astrid Wendlandt épingle ses super-héros et analyse ses contradictions.

22 €