Joshua Schulman, vétéran de l’industrie du luxe et ancien PDG de Coach, apparaît comme le candidat idéal pour prendre les commandes de son ancien rival Michael Kors et redynamiser la griffe américaine, a déclaré à Miss Tweed une source proche de sa société mère Capri Holdings, propriétaire aussi de Versace et de Jimmy Choo.
M. Schulman a quitté Coach au début de l'année et dirigé le grand magasin Bergdorf Goodman et le chausseur Jimmy Choo. Si sa nomination à la tête de Michael Kors est confirmée, il héritera d’une mission particulièrement difficile, voire presque impossible. Michael Kors est l'une de ces marques américaines dites de "luxe accessible", vendant des lunettes de soleil et des sacs à main glamours, inspirés de Fendi, Louis Vuitton, Hermès et Chanel, à une fraction des prix pratiqués par ces grandes maisons. Mais les accessoires de Michael Kors n’ont plus le même attrait ni la résonnance sociétale qu’ils avaient il y a dix ans.
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A Year in the News 2023-2024 is a compilation of Miss Tweed's stories published during its fourth year. Like the third yearbook, it is a limited edition. Hence, it is a collector's item. It's designed to celebrate the work of illustrator Claire Laude. Each illustration runs next to the first two paragraphs of the story. It does not contain the entire story.
25 €
A Year in the News 2022-2023 is a compilation of Miss Tweed's stories published during its third year. Like the second yearbook, it is a limited edition. Hence, it is a collector's item. It's designed to celebrate the work of illustrator Claire Laude. Each illustration runs next to the first two paragraphs of the story. It does not contain the entire story.
25 €
A Year in the News 2021-2022 is a compilation of Miss Tweed's stories published online during its second year. Like the first yearbook, it is a limited edition. Hence, it is a collector's item. It is designed to celebrate the work of illustrator Claire Laude. Each illustration runs next to the first two paragraph of the story. It does not contain the entire story.
25 €
This book is a compilation of Miss Tweed’s stories during its first year. The digital revolution, the closely guarded secrets of LVMH, Richemont and Kering and the future of watchmaking are among the many topics Miss Tweed covered between the summer of 2020 and the summer of 2021. It does not contain the entire story.
25 €
Author and journalist Astrid Wendlandt conducted a four-year investigation into the
secretive world of fashion and luxury involving hundreds of interviews with top executives and
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Comment l’industrie du luxe et de la mode, quasi-inexistante il y a quarante ans, est
devenue une puissance mondiale ? Dans cette anthropologie du glamour, la journaliste Astrid Wendlandt
épingle ses super-héros et analyse ses contradictions.
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